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Behringer X32 OSC

Started by icw, March 30, 2019, 01:04:09 AM

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I am able to connect via OSC, but I am not getting any values to map from the board. I think I need to send a "/xremote" command to the board every 9 second or so. How is this done?


I am not sure OSC implementation inside AZ Controller is Behringer OSC compatible. But to send /xremote add "Monitor Timer" control with several seconds interval and send OSC from Feedback section. I can check if that works next week (I have XAir, but not at current place).


It works! I am receiving OSC commands and have been able to map a few. Next question, X32 sends an OSC command like /ch/01/mix/fader. Is there a way to break this string apart to say /ch/01 = first strip or do I have to create a corresponding hardware control for each channel.


You need per channel hardware+logic control. Since you want feedback, and so you need per channel "Monitor Value" with corresponding OSC send in the feedback of it.


May be several tips:
1) regularly save your preset (in the options tab to binary file or using "Preset" Cakewalk section on the top)
2) after creating one control, f.e. fader 1, use "Dup" button to replicate it. That way you can create 32 controls within several seconds (you will need to "learn" them, but that is also relatively fast)
3) to support (2), use state (variable) dependent logic
4) use functions for parameter setup, that way you can modify the logic for all controls.

For 2,3,4 example you can check X-Touch Mini preset. In short.
* create Software Set (variable) "_Ch" with values 1-32
* define control "_FaderParSel(_Ch)" (_Ch there is just a name, so you do not forget that is a "function" of that Set):
Channel Track WAI + _Ch Valume
* define control "Fader1":
Set _Ch = 1
Call _FaderParSel(_Ch)
Monitor parameter value (ultra)

Feedback section:
OSC Send <Ctrl. address> Value
Last action failed: OSC Send <Ctrl. address> 0

* Test that it works after learning the fader
* duplicate 32 times, replace "Set _Ch" to set correct _Ch.
* learn all faders


Thanks for the help. I think I understand. Software State is the thing I was missing to speed the process up. I have been able to make fader, pan, gain, mute, solo, and label work for the 1st channel. I will work on changing the logic as you described, duplicate it 32x, and hopefully get a preset finished.


You mentioned the OSC implementation in your first response. Behringer does have a few commands that do not play well. I'm not sure that I need any of them, but just so you are aware.... When a channel is selected X32 sends /-stat/selidx with a param 0-71 (index representing channel/bus/etc). According to wireshark it is int32 not float. AZCtrl only sees 0 for 0 index and 1 for 1-71.


One other thing that I tried but could not get going was changing strip color. I can map the command from x32 and send feedback, but could not figure out how to get this info in/out of cakewalk.


Yes, that is why I have mentioned incomplete OSC. AZ Controller does not support INT parameters in OSC at the moment. Colors is a different story.

I do not have X32. But since it seems like you are serious about using it, in case you promise to test and report if it works, I can try to extend AZ Controller to support
missing features.


I would be glad to test and report back. If we can get integers to work, I think select button could set state channel then have unused button arm track and change the scribble strip color to give a visual of armed tracks. That would be really helpful.