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Started by azslow3, November 01, 2018, 02:01:55 PM

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Melodyne is a great program for pitch correction and much more.

Melodyne is using Ctrl+Alt+Arrows key combinations. If you have Intel graphic card:
Quote from: Autery Weeks
I had to disable hotkeys in graphics options on my device. You find this by right clicking on the desktop and scroll down until you hear graphics options submenu. Then arrow right once, you should hear hotkeys submenu. Arrow right one more time and you should hear: enable hotkeys!!! If you arrow down, you should hear disable hotkeys.

Getting Melodyne

  • On the home page of Celemony: you can find "Trial" link Download "Melodyne 4 studio for Windows" from there.
  • Unpack the archive and run "setup.exe"
  • The installer is accessible. Note that I was working with English version, so Sibiac will work incorrectly with other locales
  • Start NVDA with Sibiac installed, Maximize it with "Win+Up" key combination, close it and start again. Warning: do not operate Melodyne after intentional or unintentional window size change! Sibiac is not continuously tracking that. It will be confused and than it will confuse you.
  • Till you activate trial or permanent license, at every start you will get "Informational dialog". Use Tab and Enter to operate such dialogs. You can not do much in "Player" mode, but you can get fully functional 30 days Studio edition trial license. Press Enter on "Activate" and follow instructions on Celemony site
  • Till you de-activate it, you will also get "Startup dialog" with a link to Melodyne videos. You can permanently disable it by unchecking corresponding box there, also with Enter key

Important settings
Sibiac will not work correctly till you apply special settings. They will be remembered.
The first control once all dialogs are closed it "Top menu". Melodyne use Alt key for special actions, so you can not get there usual way. But menu itself is standard. Press Enter on "Top menu" control to active the menu.

  • If you have localized Windows and Melodyne set your language by default, open "Preferences..." from the File menu. Using Arrows and Enter select "User interface". Tab to "Language" and select "English" or "Spanish".  Sibiac will have problems till you switch, in fact no other preferences pages will work correctly till you do that. Close preferences with usual Alt+F4
  • In the top menu navigate to "Options". There:

    • "Show tracks" should not be checked
    • "Show Note Editor" should be checked
    • Nothing should be checked in the "Show info panel"
    • Nothing should be checked in the "Show tempo editor"

At that point you should have functional with Sibiac Melodyne state.


Melodyne with Sibiac user manual

General operations
As with all Sibiac overlays, keyboard operations are provided by Sibiac. So no usual NVDA controls and modes can be used. Some shortcuts are handled by Melodyne or accessible system dialogs.

  • Tab/Shift+Tab cyclically navigate throw controls
  • Up and Down arrows change options, modes, etc.
  • Enter performs control specific action
  • Editable controls are switched to edit mode by pressing Enter, that mode is announced but there is no other audition till you finish editing with Enter key.

General layout

  • Top menu pseudo control to open Melodyne top menu. Except file selection dialogs and the menu itself, operations are provided by Sibiac
  • Edit Tools switch. Switch between "Main", "Pitch", "Pitch modulation", "Pitch drift", "Formant", "Amplitude", "Time" and "Attack speed". Essencial edition has only "Main" tool.
  • "Edit" pseudo control
  • Depending from the tool, zero, one or two parameter controls. You can enter new values by pressing Enter, entering the value and pressing Enter again.

File operations

  • Melodyne has own Project files which can be opened and saved. To save audio results, use "Export" from the file menu.
  • Even in Studio, I do not support multiple tracks. So work with one file per time.
  • I recommend to work with small files, under 1 minute, better just several seconds. You navigate by one tone, so working with long files will be almost impossible.
  • When you open audio file, Melodyne analyze it. That can take quite some time, especially when the file is long. Warning: during this process Melodyne create many own files. If you run some antivirus software, exclude Melodyne from real-time analysis. Used directory can be set in the Preferences/Recording. So you can exclude just this directory instead of the process. Without that, analysis can take 100 times more time on computer without SSD.
  • Sorry, at the moment I am not audition the analysis progress. During that time you can not edit anything.
  • Every time you change the algorithm, the analysis is started again

"Edit" operations
I recommend to use the following shortcuts only when "Edit" control is in focus. Since most of them are processed by Melodyne, they will work everywhere but can be confusing.

  • Arrows select tones. With Shift you can select many.  You should hear last selected tone. Pressing Enter should, depending from the current mode, audition recognized pitch, changed formant or amplitude
  • Alt+Space play current selection
  • Numeric Enter start playing
  • Numeric 0 (zero) stop playing
  • Space is play/pause
  • Tip: use Alt+Space first to move "current" time to the tone. Then use Numeric Enter and zero to listed it in context
  • Use Ctrl+Arrows for coarse and Alt+Ctrl+Arrows for fine tone changing (except "Attack speed"). What is changed is the tool and algo dependent. The changes are not auditioned, use Alt+Space and Enter to audition the result
You can switch between tools without navigating to the tool selector using function keys. F1 switch to Main tool. F2 switch between pitch tools. You can press it one, two or three times to set the mode. F3 set formant tool. F4 set amplitude tool. F5 switch between time and attack speed tools when pressed one or 3 times. Pressing it 3 times switch into unsupported time handle tool, the audition is just "Time".


  • Main tool is a combination of Pitch and Time tools (at least in accessibility mode)
  • Pitch tools (pitch, modulation, drift) Modify selected tone pitch with Ctrl+Up/Down or Ctrl+Alt+Up/Down
  • Formants and amplitude. The same controls as with pitch
  • Time. Depends on the Algorithm. In polyphonic, move the tone. In Melodic, stretch the note by moving its beginning. Note that previous note will be also stretch to make space. Ctrl+Left/Right or Ctrl+Alt+Left/Right
  • Attack. Can be modified by entering new value into parameter.


Global tuning
You case select all tones by Ctrl+A. There are also some other selections in the Edit  "Select special" menu.
In the Edit menu there is Quantization Macros / Correct Pitch dialog. You can use that for auto-correction of the selection.

In the Algorithm menu you can set required algorithms as well as default one. Every time you change, current file will be re-analyzed.

Polyphonic algorithms are available in Editor and Studio only. Note that you want that algorithms for everything except natural monophonic. So dry voice, flute, etc will work fine with Melodic.  But piano produce overlapped tones even when you play a melody. Keep that in mind when considering Melodyne version. For general purpose I recommend Editor. I do not support most features of Studio and Essential has only basic pitch operations.

I recommend to disable automatic check for updates. I am not sure that Sibiac will work without changes with the next update.

Other important settings are in Audio and Default tuning in the User interface.

Warning: be careful with shortcuts page. If you are in shortcut page, navigate to the page selector and change the page. Even in case you just want close preferences. In case some action is currently in learning state, any key or combination, including Escape and Alf+F4 will be assigned to this action! There is no way to tell Melodyne to stop learning, except by changing the page. Note that even in case preferences dialog is closed, when you open it again Melodyne will remember that you are learning action.

To assign a shortcut, in the shortcuts tree select required action with up and down arrows. Sections can be opened and closed by Enter.
Once required action is found, press Enter. From that moment any key you press on keyboard is assigned to this action. Even in case you tab out of the tree. Till you switch from the shortcut preferences page. You can delete current assignment by first entering learning mode for the action in question, tab to delete button and pressing enter.






There is a problem in latest update: the arrow keys are blocked in pseudo interface and don't executes the direct actions. I mean if I am pressing the right or left or etc arrow key while editor focused, it doesn't moves between tones. I have to press NVDA+F2 first. Then I can press an arrow key.


Thank you for reporting, I have uploaded 0.21b4 and I hope the problem is fixed. I have only tested the fix with my current development version, so let me know if the fix does not work with release...


Hello. I can't edit and play audio files in melodyne.
When I focus to melodyne by alt tab or other methods, I hear message:
Warning: NVDA window with topmost flag hide a part of the interface. Sibiac will not work correctly.
Thanks for help!


That is just a warning. But it means exactly what it announce, for some reason you have NVDA window open and overlap with Melodyne. For graphic based accessibility tools (SIBIAC and and clickers) the application in question should not be covered by other applications.

Still you should be able to use Tab and get to the "Top menu". Make sure that all Options in Melodyne are set as described in the documentation, to hide not used parts of Melodyne interface and allow predicted placement of used controls.


I made mistake.
I tested melodyne demo. melodyne player.
I couldn't edit imported audio.
When I installed full version of melodyne, not demo. everythin have worked fine!


Hi, I have melodyne
I followed all the instructions to install and configure the sibiac and ocr addon, as well as configuring the settings in melodyne preferences.
I get this message.
Warning: unknown windowwith top most  flag hide a part of the interface
I have an AMD graphics card.
I need help.


Hi, you probably have some popup window. It can be notification from Melodyne itself or unrelated window. SIBIAC has no generic functionality to give more details, please use different tool or sighted help to understand what this window is. If your computer is online, I can check throw remote desktop of your choice. Let me know in PM when you have time in that case, also please mention the time zone you are, I am in CET.


This seems to be a somewhat pervasive issue. I have that same message when I load Melodyne, and a friend of mine I'm helping has the problem as well.
I do have another question though. The other person is unable to alter their preferences, they get told the page is "disabled" when they try. What might be causing this?


Guessing is inefficient in such cases. Please make screenshots, normally Win+PrintScreen shortcut, and send them to me. I can say more then.