Hi Alexey, I've been very busy with my primary work, but here I am. During these days I've modified Hermu's preset and something is working, but something not.I've setted it up as follow:
1- Shift button now is button 9, so there is no need to stop playback when sliding WAI by 8 tracks.It is also changing bank numbers, and the display alwais shows current.
2- Shift+LOOP button now changes mode (ACT,Track,Bus)
3- Shift+ rew button now focus on the selected track Prochannel
4- Shift+ ffww button now select synth (It should, but it doesent)
5- Shift+ STOP button now focus on the selected track plug-in bin
6- Shift+ Play button now open previous (last focused Prochannel, plugin or synth)
7- Shift+ Record button now open next (last focused Prochannel, plugin or synth)
Buttons 1-8 now select track (press and release) the same as sliders, but with buttons there is no need to change volume of a track to select it (focus is not always in the track view and you can't always use arrows to move selected track).
Anything is working well: sliders, mute\solo buttons, ACT mappings (Prochannel, sylenth1 and DUNE2, at the moment),modes,open close etc..Before finish it and share it with you (maybe someone could find it more friendly) Iwould like to fix the "select synth" problem and add something also.
I think "select synth" could be fixed because days ago I've downloaded, here, a preset called "focus instrument", but I don't remember where (maybe there was some explanation I'm missing). In this preset selecting a synthtrack (with arrows) the corrisponding synth UI is opened. I've looked at actions list strings (there are a lot) but I can't understand wich one to modify and have it working only with a specified button inherent selected track. Is there a way to copy a string\s from one preset to another?
I would like to add notes as buttons but ,according to your documentation, it is not possible, neither in shift-on condition ( AZcontrol takes it over and says "It's MY button" so it will never play notes). Is there a way to add a filter and tell "It's your button only if Shift is pressed"?. Bye now