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[MarKo] BCR2000

Started by azslow3, June 03, 2016, 12:00:23 PM

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Hi Alexey:)

>>>"Bus 2 Volume" und zusätzlich (mit das selbe Konditionen) "Send 2 Volume"

Danke! Funktionert perfekt:)

Ich vergass das "zusätzlich".

Liebe Grüße;)


HI again:)

Ich weiss nicht ob es dir aufgefallen ist oder ob das nur bei mir so ist? Die Zoom Regler funktionieren in der PRV nicht mehr, nur noch im Track View.
Das ist seit der letzten Sonar Version so, also seit dem neuen (Dark) Look der PRV:(

Könntest du mal kucken ob das bei dir auch so ist??




Wie du weiß, ich habe keinen BCR  ;)  Kannst du sehen was genau diese Regler macht (in Overview Tab)? Was ich über Zoom in Preset sehe, sagt explizit "Track Zoom". Ob/wie es für PRV funktioniert weiß nur Cakewalk  :(



Moin Alexey:)

Ich hab jetzt anstatt Horizontal und Vertikal vergrössern die Keyboard Commands (Ctrl + Up, down, Left und Right) eingetragen, dann geht's in beiden Fenstern. Vergrössern und Verkleinern geht nur noch im Track Fenster, aber ist eigentlich egal, ist fast genauso gut:)

Danke und bis denne;)


Hi again:)

Sorry Alexey, jetzt ist mir aufgefallen, dass Lediglich Ctrl+Up,Down funktioniert, bei Ctrl+Shift + Up, down zoomen ebenfalls alle Spuren! Left, Right problemlos!

Also die Shift Taste wird nicht weitergegeben, mit der Tastatur selbst geht das, aber was mir noch aufgefallen ist, dass ich immer zuerst mit der Maus in das Fenster klicken muss, also mit Ctrl+Tab den Focus wechseln genügt nicht. Das war aber immer schon so, also auch mit Zoom vergrössern und verkleinern...



Das Problem ist tief... Es betrifft nur bestimmte Kombinationen,  z.b. Up/Down/Left/Right mit Shift.
Ich benutze Sonar API und damit kann ich nicht das Problem umgehen. Ich muss dann auf Windows API umschalten, das probiere ich nächste Woche.



Mach dir bitte keinen Stress! Wenn es nicht geht dann ist es halt so:) 

Liebe Grüsse,


Versuch mit b393

Ich hatte mit eine Virtuele Machine Tests gemacht, dort funktionierte es ohne Änderungen, auf normale doch nicht.
Aber jetzt macht es was es soll auf alle meine Rechner.


Hi Alexey:)

Ich versuche es im Laufe der Woche, bin noch im Stress bis zum Urlaub....... danke;)


P.S. Es funktioniert, vielen Dank dafür:)



I have tried using Bassman's v10 preset (based on Marko's BCR2000 preset), and for the most part it's working great.  However, I'm unable to open the 'AZ Display' feature that shows me what's happening within the plugin while using it.  Even when clicking the button in the preferences that opens the display, it still doesn't open.  I've tried with a previous preset and the AZ display opens just fine, both from the BCR button presses, and also from within the preferences window for AZ Ctrl, so I know it's not an issue with the version of the plugin I'm using, my OS, etc.  It's only doing that behaviour using Bassman's v10 preset (which I want due to the addition of more ACT banks that are usable).

Any suggestsions on how to get this functionality back?  I've reviewed everything I know about this plugin and both presets match in all places I can think to look regarding this feature.  The fact that it doesn't work when manually selecting the option from the preferences menu has me stumped.  Help?



Do you have more then one monitor?
AZ Display position is saved inside preset. If it is outside of Windows total display area, it is usually moved to visible position. At least for me, v10 display appear on top. But if you have some other monitor or at least Windows think you have one, it can be AZ display is there (where MarKo has placed it on his system).
If you still fail to find it, I can re-save preset with position on one monitor system.


That worked like a charm.  I changed my system to single monitor and re-saved the preset. 

Your genius knows no bounds, sir. 

I can't wait to try this out a bit more as it incorporates changes I tried to make to Marko's original preset to fit my mixing situation a bit better.  My efforts were mostly successful, but unstable and I had to reload the preset every session or two, and I never fully integrated the ACT mapping, so after a year of toying with it I decided to look for any updates to Marko's v8 preset.  That has evolved, as has the documentation, making it much more useful and easy to understand.  On top of that, Bassman added a 2nd bank of ACT controls, which just took this preset to the next level.  I'm sooo stoked!  A paypal donation to your coffee fund is coming soon with my next paycheck.  The world needs to know how badass your plugin is!!  Thank you for everything you do, and for helping keep Sonar/CBB one step ahead of the curve. 




I'm experimentating with a second controller for much more ACT Controllers.

Works like that:(for me it is a Novation LaunchControl XL)

1. Install loopmidi, a virtual midi cable
2. Install midiox, a free midi program
3. in midiox select BCR2000 and "novation LaunchControl XL" as Input
4. Select a loopmidi port as output.
5. Now in ACT Control select loopmidi as Input for the BCR2000 and BCR2000 as Output.

Now Midi Signals of both are coming to AZslow Controller.

In BCR2000 I have all controllers on Midichannel 1, in LaunchControl all controllers on midichannel 6 and for other presets 7 and higher.

In AZController for each new controller you have to add a new hardware controller for each controller on the new midi controller and save it.

In the hardware Tab move your faders or knobs, sliders and select the right control in the hardware control on the hardware tab.
Then attach and assign midi.

In the logic control add

'Mode ACT' - ACT S1                   or S17 or R49, what you need
-Catch Linear, timeout touch        or Direct Linear

With 8 presets I could assign  another 8 x 32 Rotors, sliders and 8 x 16 knobs...

All you have to do is to start midiox before starting Cakewalk.

A question for Alexey:)

After ending with ACT Mode, the last used parameter stays intact and active until I start ACT Mode again.

What do I have to add in the Logic Tab that ACT Mode ends for this new Controllers??

Does mean that all new added controllers change the last selected ACT parameter. But I ended ACT Mode. With the controls on the BCR200 everything's fine, and there is only this line:

'Mode ACT' - ACT S1     

If I copy this to the new controls nothing goes on with faders and sliders....why?



Sorry, but I have not understood the question :(

But for the first part, AZ Controller support proper solution, without external programs.
Check "Cooperation mode" in the manual. To avoid mentioned there "Warning", use:,384.msg2262.html#msg2262

In short, you can add up to 3 "slave" controllers to one Master. In this case controllers deliver different MIDI messages from AZ Controller perspective, even in case they send the same MIDI messages (it can happened you have problem with that...). Other then that, the preset (in Master) see all controllers as "one device".


Thank you for pointing to Cooperation mode!

I'm checking this out tomorrow.

There are problems with the Logic Tab.

For the new control:

If I am writing only :

Mode ACT - ACT S1     (for example)

Nothing happens on moving the slider!

If I add:
Catch linear,  timeout touch

the slider works but there are strange behaviours with some things.  Especially the WAI display doesn't work correctly any more.

So I'm pretty sure I don't have the correct syntax for this new control!

I want to use this other midi controller only for ACT, which is activated by a knob from the BCR

What do I have to write exactly in the Logic Tab that there are no problems with other Settings?

Thank you😊