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[MarKo] BCR2000

Started by azslow3, June 03, 2016, 12:00:23 PM

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I am having issues getting this to work properly. I have downloaded the All Buttons SYX to my BCR2000 and am using B7 SPP in AZControl..
All the encoders seem to jump around crazily instead of smooth increments.
I have checked on MIDI-OX, it is not my hardware.
Any ideas?


In MIDI-OX (or AZ Controller) check what exactly your encoders send. If you turn encoders slowly, the should produce exactly the same message every tick (in one direction). If that is not the case, hardware layout it not set correctly.

You can learn a bit more how AZ Controller works in case you complete "Quick start" tutorial from scratch. In "Value" Action, "Direct Linear" (default) option should NOT work correctly, but "Endless MIDI" should.



I've had this issue sometimes!

Try to deinstall AZController completely and reinstall it, this may help.

I'm looking for my SYSX Dumps, I have a lot of Complete Dumps, maybe this works.....

OK, it's in the attachment..



Quote from: Bassman on October 16, 2017, 12:29:36 PM
Try to deinstall AZController completely and reinstall it, this may help.
Unlike with many other programs... "clean" installing AZ Controller make no sense. If you can see AZ Controller UI in Sonar, it is installed correctly (simply install it one more time if UI can not be called, that means Window registry is corrupted or AZ Controller binary is corrupted or manually moved).

But "cleaning" MIDI devices and Control surfaces settings in Sonar is required sometimes (especially in the last 3-4 Sonar versions). And in some cases, removing TTSSEQ.INI it the only option.



I have had 3-4 times the issue, that the faders in Sonar jumped instead of moved steadily, the only thing what helped is to completely reinstall AZController and the preset. I'm sure it is not a problem of AZController.



Quote from: Bassman on October 16, 2017, 02:26:40 PM
I have had 3-4 times the issue, that the faders in Sonar jumped instead of moved steadily, the only thing what helped is to completely reinstall AZController and the preset. I'm sure it is not a problem of AZController.
Hm... Reinstalling AZ Controller can not have any influence. Presets - yes. That is served by Sonar and can be "corrupted".




next time it happens I'm trying just to delete and reimport preset, but it's fine since almost half a year....



Quote from: Bassman on October 17, 2017, 11:11:10 AM
next time it happens I'm trying just to delete and reimport preset, but it's fine since almost half a year....
It will be nice to understand what is not working in this case. Once you observe such odd behavior again, open AZ Controller interface, switch to the Overview tab, turn the encoder which produce strange result and make a screen-shot of AZ Controller window (better 2-3 after turning the encoder again, in both direction).
"Last MIDI event" will show what AZ Controller receives, the action list what it does with that information. So I can be able to identify what is going wrong.



Yes Sir;)

I'll do that....


BJ Baylon

Quote from: paulf707 on July 15, 2017, 07:00:28 PM
Just looking at options to get a BCR2000
Seen some articles where people have had trouble getting the USB drivers to work with Windows 10
Does the BCR2000 need to be connected via USB for AZ Controller to work - or can it be connected via Midi?
Has anyone got the BCR2000 working with USB on Windows 10?
Yes, I have just recently installed it under Windows 10 and it´s working perfectly over usb




Ich wollte in das Preset 2 Screensetaufrufe einbauen, sind zwar drin, aber sehr schwer zu erreichen!

Hab versucht das mit Long Press auf die Tasten Ctrl und Shift zu legen, aber das ging nicht, funktioniert hat das "Umbauen" der Longpress Tasten für SelIn und SelOut, aber dann fehlen mir ja die Tasten:(

Könntest du ohne grossen Aufwand mir sagen, ob das überhaupt möglich ist LongPress auf die Ctrl und Shift Taste zu legen?

Danke dir;)


Hi Heinz,

Leider sehe ich das als keine gute Idee...  "Ctrl" "Shift" benutzt man schon  mit andere Elemente und  "dopple klick". Ich meine dann wird es viel zu viel Funktionen auf gleiche Tasten sein  :o



OK! Dann muss ich mir was anderes überlegen.....danke;)



Hi Alexey:)

Ist es möglich einen bestimmten Send eines Busses anzusprechen??

Also anstatt Bus 1 Volume auf dem Regler 1 ganz links unten auf der BCR

Bus 2 Send Volume .......

Ich finde leider nichts!



Quote from: Bassman on June 25, 2018, 03:34:46 PM
Hi Alexey:)

Ist es möglich einen bestimmten Send eines Busses anzusprechen??

Also anstatt Bus 1 Volume auf dem Regler 1 ganz links unten auf der BCR

Bus 2 Send Volume .......

Ich finde leider nichts!

Ich bin nicht sicher welche Control ist das in Preset. Aber es muss möglich sein,  "Bus 1 Volume" -> "Bus 2 Volume" und zusätzlich (mit das selbe Konditionen) "Send 2 Volume"