Can't use folders in Sonar with Az Controller

Started by jshurley, May 23, 2017, 08:32:44 PM

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 I have just installed the Presonus FaderPort in Sonar Platinum. Even after installing the Az Controller software, everything will work fine until I click on a folder. After clicking on a folder the screen in Sonar freezes. If I push the play button, after a pause of about 5 seconds, playback will start, but the cursor will not move to track the progress in playback. Also the only way to exit Sonar is to use task manager to end process. If I only have tracks with no folders in my project, everything works fine.


Thank you for reporting.

Unfortunately I am unable to reproduce so I need a bit more information to find the reason. In general, everything introduced in Sonar after some point it time long ago, including folders, is not reflected in Control Surfaces. And in addition has quite some bugs... I mean Controls Surfaces (including original Faderport and AZ Controller) have no way to "detect" or work with folders. Sonar has focus related internal inconsistencies ("current" track logic was not adopted to folders, especially closing/opening them). But we better eliminate the course or at least find a workaround.

So please answer on the following question and try changing mentioned settings:
1) if you remove control surfaces from preferences, does the problem goes away?
2) I have not completely understood, does the problem observed not only with AZ Controller but also with original FaderPort plug-in? When you have added AZ Controller, have you removed original plug-in from the list?
If so far the answers are "yes, without surfaces there is no problem" and "when only one plug-in exists in the list, the problem re-appear" ( independent in AZ Controller only or in both):
3) in control surface preferences, which setting you have in "Control strips visible in"? Try other 2, is problem still there?
4) do you have hidden strips and what is the setting "Keep track/console visibility states in sync"?

It will be nice in case I can reproduce, so if you can provide a recipe that will be great. I mean in which minimal project you can trigger the problem?

PS even if the problem is in Sonar (where it probably is), if we can nail it here, there is a chance it will be fixed in future version... so time spend is not going to be wasted.