I warn at many placed, my plug-in is not something you can use without reading the documentation
For example, to control one ACT parameter:
- Check ACT panel to see what the parameter it, let say S3 (Slider number 3) (that you have seen)
- Configure hardware slider to send some recognized MIDI (you write you see it)
- Configure the hardware in Plug-in:
- Add "Hardware control", type "Slider", name "S1" (Options panel)
- Assign the MIDI to it (switch to "Hardware" panel, select "S1" in Hardware Control, move the hardware slider, press "Attach", then "Assign MIDI")
- Say what you want to control (switch to "Logic" panel, move the slider to see "S1" in the Logic Control). Add 2 new Actions: "ACT:Slider:3" and "Value:Direct:Linear"
It sounds like crazy complicated, but it is not. Flexibility was the goal of the system. Related to this example: Plug-in get only MIDI code, it can not "see" which control send it. But the same control can send different MIDI codes, depending from its current preset/mode. Also many hardware controls can send the same MIDI... "Good" plug-in should be able to use that information. For example, some slider was set to the value 15 when it was sending CC1. It then was switched to send CC2. New movement is to position 16. If plug-ins "knows" it is still the same slider, it knows the slider was moved "up", even in case CC was changed. And that can be used for the logic! That is why in my plug-in there are "Hardware control", "Context (for Hardware Control)" and "Logical Control" and not just "Control".
You can select X parameters and do Y different things with them. That is why actions to select the parameter and modify selected parameter are separated. Also just Y alone is handy: "fine" adjustments for whatever parameter was controlled last time is possible that way.
As I wrote already, "feedback" is in planing stadium. That should open a way to update displays, highlight rings, move sliders, etc on almost any controller with MIDI support (original plan is to implement simple indication, MCP and HUI, but the list can be extended). Once it is done, I can start to think about the user friendly view, a kind of what ACT MIDI plug-in / Automap View do, but flexible.