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AOSC / Re: Air Access 18
« Last post by Tomecki on April 18, 2024, 10:54:26 AM »
It looks like it's working. I tested a few things and it's basically ok, except that the send gain is adjusted in steps of 0.25db instead of 0.1db, which makes changing by 1 step difficult because the mixer updates the value very quickly to the closest possible one. Another thing is that after sending the /info command, it showed version v0.04, so it is probably very old, if it is the same as the firmware version. In theory, you can download firmware 1.22 on the website, but I was unable to do so. There is a blank line instead of the "download" link. Moreover, it would be useful to be able to check the version without entering the /info command manually.
AOSC / Re: Air Access 18
« Last post by azslow3 on April 14, 2024, 11:48:10 PM »
I don't think you will need everything. Use what you need and in case something does not responds right, let us know and we try to fix.
AOSC / Re: Air Access 18
« Last post by Tomecki on April 14, 2024, 06:11:11 PM »
So it looks like I'll be confirming it. ☺️Unfortunately, I haven't had access to any digital mixer so far, so I may have a few questions, although I tried to review a lot of materials, including the original user manual. Do you have a checklist of things I could check to make sure everything is working properly?
AOSC / Re: Air Access 18
« Last post by azslow3 on April 14, 2024, 04:07:46 PM »
From all existing information, these units are identical except different pre-amps. So the solution should be compatible. But I can't give any warrantee for that, till someone with MR18 confirm that really works.
AOSC / Re: Air Access 18
« Last post by Tomecki on April 13, 2024, 09:57:27 PM »
Hi. Do you already know if Air Access 18 works well with Midas mr18? At the moment it is only slightly more expensive than the Behringer xr18, but the difference is that it has a 10-year limited warranty as opposed to the Behringer which has a 3-year limited warranty.
Content is not exposed to Surface API... CbB is not REAPER...
thx. i made a new version to correct a few things.
Do you see any way to command to located the playhead at the end of the pasted clip (so we could instance the copies with the knob)?
Discussions / Re: controlling track bus with "master" fader
« Last post by azslow3 on April 05, 2024, 10:32:36 PM »
Sorry, but that is not implemented. May be no-one has asked in all these years... Also there was many bugs in inputs/outputs/sends, so some theoretically possible related features was not implementable in practice.
Discussions / controlling track bus with "master" fader
« Last post by ReallySlow on April 05, 2024, 10:02:52 PM »
I have 9 pots, 9 Faders and 8 buttons on my keyboard that usually are set up for 8 tracks with the 9th as the main bus.  Is there a way to change the assignment of the bus fader so it is always the assigned bus of the selected track?  Or said another way - If the 1st track outputs to Bus C and the 2nd track outputs to Bus D can I make it so when I select track 1 the 9th fader is assigned to Volume on Bus C but when I select track 2 it now controls volume on Bus D?
Sibiac / Re: Sibiac: Single Image Blob Interface Accessible Control
« Last post by azslow3 on April 04, 2024, 12:22:39 PM »
I have had the pleasure of operating Melodyne using your addon and it has been a great pleasure.
Now with the updates to NVDA and Melodyne, it seems like you should repackage your addon to accommodate these new versions, thanks a lot!
Quick checked and repacked both modules. In NVDA you can enable plug-ins on your own risk, so test if it still working. Such information is valuable for me since if it no longer works, way more is required then just repack.
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