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Wishes / Re: Export and Import Text Fil...
Last post by Bassman - August 07, 2024, 09:01:48 AM

I_ve looked 3 times into all Controls, now that you wrote I found them in _fBk and changed to the correct Resets.

But now there are still 7 Detached ones:

202 still there
180 still there

OK: Again 2 times looked into all Logic Controls.

Searched in the Text File for all "Calls" and looked carefully to have the right ones.
Searched for "" or '', no ones there in the file.
Searched for all "Rst"

And still can't find any "Detached" or '' or "" , what's the problem or is it any problem?
Perhaps they are all gone when I have finished porting all to Launch Control Preset 1 and deleted all
Controls not needed anymore?

I'm still working on, tomorrow it should be finished, just 48 Rotors and 16 Sliders and the corresponding Feedbacks to copy over.

Attached the newest Textfile, would be interesting why I can't find theses Detached ones....


Wishes / Re: Export and Import Text Fil...
Last post by azslow3 - August 06, 2024, 08:32:24 PM

My guess was right, _fBk is calling Detached 180 and Detached 202. Other I was able to delete directly.

BTW I have found that by checking Logical Controls. In the text version these are "CALL ''" and "CALL ';4'"
Well, may be I should try to write "Detached" there as well. But from what I remember "Detached <num>" was introduce for debugging the engine, they effectively have empty names ;)

Wishes / Re: Export and Import Text Fil...
Last post by Bassman - August 06, 2024, 04:57:45 PM

2 Files, just remove the txt extension, 1 Binär 1 Text!


Wishes / Re: Export and Import Text Fil...
Last post by azslow3 - August 06, 2024, 04:51:19 PM

Making exported text format importable will make it less readable (the only purpose of it at the moment...), and importing it is not easy.
The preset is a "byte code" program, in a binary form it is just a dump (with pointers replaced by indexes). Importing text version
effectively means I need to write user friendly compiler for the "language" I use for presets (think of a small typo in the text somewhere...).

If detached control can't be removed when it has no actions, there are just 2 possibilities: it is called from some other control or
there is a bug in AZ Controller :) if you attach the preset, I will be able to tell more.

Wishes / Re: Export and Import Text Fil...
Last post by Bassman - August 06, 2024, 11:14:15 AM

That made my day, I used HxD and changed about 350 SysX Commands  ;D

Haleluja! Thank you;)

But just the wish stays alive: To be able to change a Textfile of the preset and reimport it ;)

I think if you haven't implemented it yet it is too much work for this, so working with a binary file is OK for changing such things.
Would surely be nice to can copy some elements easily in a Text Editor with 2 windows, in the AZ Controller window it's a pain!

Nevertheless thanks and some more problem:

Cause I deleted some Logical Controls like that:

1. Delete all Actions
2.Hardware: Forget Midi - Detach - Delete Context - Delete
3. Options: Delete Control

The most Controls are gone, but some stay as : Detached 201 for example.

I can't for the hell find any dependencys in other controls or in an exported textfile there's no "Detached" to find.

How can I delete them? What have I to search for?

Thank you again;)
Wishes / Re: Export and Import Text Fil...
Last post by azslow3 - August 06, 2024, 09:57:42 AM

Sorry, there is no text format import.

In the binary file you can't change the size of SysEx, but you can try to replace particular bytes in HEX editor which supports search and replace.
If that is in complete SysEx (Send option), it will be complete SysEx F0...F7, but for partial SysEx (other options) there is no F0/F7, so check
you are not modifying something else when replacing.

Wishes / Export and Import Text Files
Last post by Bassman - August 06, 2024, 08:23:08 AM

When I Export a Text File from the preset, how can I import it back?

On Import it says that the file is corrupt....

Not possible?

Perhaps I can change Values in the Binary File? Have to change hundreds of SysX commands in my big Preset, wanted to move everything into 1 Controller Preset instead of 4, don't know why I ever used 4 Presets of the Launch control....?

Doesn't matter, is there any possibility to change them with "Search and Replace" in 1 Go?

Discussions / Re: Setting input and output p...
Last post by norfolkmastering - July 30, 2024, 02:18:33 PM
Hi Alexey
I have tested AZ b424 with the latest versions of Sonar and CbB.  It works fine with both for setting "Nones" using:
"-None-" (input) and "--- None ---" (send and output).
Thanks for taking care of this.
Wishes / Re: Controller Window in the n...
Last post by Bassman - July 29, 2024, 09:19:46 PM

You're right, I looked into the settings and the new "Enhanced DPI Scaling" was enabled.

It was only activated, I have not changed the scaling, was 100%!

Now with disabled the controller window looks fine!

Thank you for pointing me in the right direction:)

Wishes / Re: Controller Window in the n...
Last post by azslow3 - July 29, 2024, 05:04:32 PM
Hi Heinz,

My number is still the same, my phone is bad... it is discharged too fast, miss calls, periodically doesn't show notifications, etc.
But it is too "new" to be abandoned, so I still try to use it.

I have just installed Sonar (in demo mode, I have no plans to subscribe) and I can't reproduce. AZ Controller window appears with exactly the same size as in CbB for me.
Does Sonar Preferences window has good size for you? It is also "old style" normal Windows dialog, as AZ Controller.
Probably something to do with HiDPI, but I don't have any HiDPI monitor to check...
