
AZ Controller plug-in for Cakewalk SONAR => Presets => Topic started by: azslow3 on March 20, 2015, 07:07:07 PM

Title: [AZ] Generic Startup preset (easy way to start using the plug-in)
Post by: azslow3 on March 20, 2015, 07:07:07 PM
I decide to provide something in between the Quick start (,9.0.html) and ACT MIDI Explained (,107.0.html).

YouTube video: (

I assume that you have managed to follow Quick start.  Please follow it first in case you have not done that yet.

Go to the "Options" Tab and in the "Tweak current configuration..." drop box select "Startup preset". You can modify some options:

Click "Create preset". Current configuration will be replaced with (program generated) Startup preset.

Before you can start to use it, you still need to associate "Controls" inside the preset with controls on your surface. In other words, you should "MIDI learn" your hardware. After "Quick start" you already know how to do this (right?), but just one more time:
Note. In case you have touched "new" control on your hardware but you see "the name" of already assigned control, that means several hardware controls send the same MIDI commands. Plug-in has no chance to distinguish them.

since b419 in the logic control fEncSet you can modify the type of encoder. By default, preset assumes you have finite knob (you can't turn it endless in one direction) and it is transferring absolute value. If you have endless encoders which send relative messages or your finite knob sends relative messages (when used, it set Pan to full left or full right), adjust parameters of Set Action is the function. Set type to "Endless" and value to "1%". You can adjust the value for your taste. If Pan changes to "wrong" direction when you turn the encoder, tick "reverse" flat in the action. You can also try to set "accelerated".

The preset defines:

And now several words HOW it works. In the "Logic" tab you can select any "Control" to see what it does. Controls with "_" are "functions" (not that they need "_" in the name, it is there for readability only). There are called from other controls (to not repeat the list of actions many times). Transport buttons just call corresponding SONAR command. Mode/Bank switches change current state in the corresponding set. WAI move the strip region in SONAR. Sliders/Encoders/Strip buttons use Mode/Bank set to select the parameter to control and "Value" Action apply the value change (from the value the hardware control send or simply "toggle"). Two Monitors are watching current parameter name/value and update the display (see the actions in the "Feedback" Tab, each monitor has separate list there).

In case you want to understand everything, please read User Manual and "ACT MIDI Explained" tutorial. The Startup is just a starting point, it is not the final destination.
Title: Re: [AZ] Generic Startup preset (easy way to start using the plug-in)
Post by: azslow3 on March 20, 2015, 07:07:32 PM
FIX in 0.4r1 Fast forward/Rewind definition had a bug. Regenerate the preset using this or newer version. In case you want modify your preset manually, in the "Logic" Tab select "<<" control and modify its action from "Rewind On" to "Rewind Toggle". Do the same for Fast Forward (">>"). In case your transport buttons generate "Off" events (you can check that by looking at "Last MIDI Event" when releasing the button), you can add new action "Function/Transport/Rewind Off" with condition "Note:Off" (you should not modify the original action then). In this case rewind/fast forward will stop once you release the button.

FIX/CHANGE in 0.5r11b419 ACT banks should work correctly for all controls, all buttons (not only Mute) are ACT controls now, Display shows all defined buttons, single function to change encoder type, single function to define simple strip buttons feedback.