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ReaCWP / Re: conversion of cbb takes
Last post by azslow3 - Yesterday at 04:05:44 PM
I have uploaded b71. Can you check it is not crashing with the rest of your projects?
ReaCWP / Re: conversion of cbb takes
Last post by azslow3 - February 16, 2025, 12:52:07 AM
REAPER load plug-ins as C++ objects, and so ABI follows the rules of computer used to compile REAPER on particular platform. For Windows that is MSVC. With C it is possible build any structures, including C++ objects. GCC supports all possible function calling conventions. But convincing GCC C++ object to be MSVC C++ object is practically impossible.
ReaCWP / Re: conversion of cbb takes
Last post by mweiss001 - February 15, 2025, 09:44:23 PM
C is my favorite as well. I learned C while writing my game over 25 years ago.
Years later I converted it to C++, but do not make much use of any advanced C++ techniques.

C is so simple and elegant, I like compare it to chess.
Chess has a very simple set of rules about how each piece can move. Those rules can be learned very quickly.
However the strategies of playing the game can take a lifetime to master.

C is similar in that the core functionality of the language is very simple.
How you use those very simple building blocks to create more complex things is an art that can take a lifetime to master.

Purple Martians is cross platform. The exact same source code produces the linux and windows versions.
Even the networked multiplayer works perfectly across windows and linux.

I am a huge fan of gcc and all things open source.
I have successfully been able to avoid MSVC entirely up to this point in my life, and would not go there even with a gun to my head.
Life is just too short.

From what I have been able to find out, I think MSVC is required to make reaper plugins like reacwp. Is this correct?
ReaCWP / Re: conversion of cbb takes
Last post by azslow3 - February 15, 2025, 08:37:34 PM
Interesting. I will try to play once I have time ;)

I write in C, when possible. May be not as elegant as C++ can be, but the code can be compiled in 10,20,30,etc. years without problem...

I cross-compile everything under linux. With C++ that will not work (REAPER under Windows use MS style ABI, it ranges from too hard up to impossible to convince GCC C++ produce compatible code).

And I like when compilation takes just few seconds.

With GUI I have not settled yet... so GUIs are just different (Win32 and ranging from X to GTK+ on Linux). It will be nice to have C based WDL one day, but I had no time to finish such project (I want it xcb based, may be also Wayland,  but not GDK as original WDL).
ReaCWP / Re: conversion of cbb takes
Last post by mweiss001 - February 15, 2025, 02:27:53 AM
I appreciate any time or effort that you do spend on it.

I understand work, I have a full time job and other obligations as well.

I am curious about what tools and programming languages you used to create reacwp.
I have somewhat of a programming background myself.

I created this:

So I am curious about the programming languages you used, and programs in the toolchain.
ReaCWP / Re: conversion of cbb takes
Last post by azslow3 - February 15, 2025, 12:36:30 AM
Sorry that I have not uploaded a fix yet. I have understood from where it comes technically, but I wanted to check in Cakewalk what can trigger that (may be it has special meaning...).

Unfortunately I was forces to work from morning till late evening this week, and I have to continue this weekend. One man has decided that my "old" system is "not safe", just because it is old. That could be just lol, but he has power (and he has used that power...) to block servers with that system. Several colleagues can't do what they have planed to do, other couldn't work at all several days. I have to completely "renovate" the thing to "unblock" it, as soon as possible.  So I have no time for anything else.

At the beginning of next week I hope I can relax a bit, I will make and upload fix then.
ReaCWP / Re: conversion of cbb takes
Last post by mweiss001 - February 14, 2025, 03:03:22 PM
I have gone through about 350 of my 400 projects I am converting from cbb to reaper.
Your reacwp tool has made the process so much easier.
I am very thankful for all your work creating this amazing tool.

The last 50 or so I am stuck on are large complex projects that would take a huge amount of time to do manually, and they won't open with 4b70.

I think I have narrowed down the time range of projects that won't open to 2019 and newer.

Is there anything I could do to help? Would you like me to upload more examples?
ReaCWP / Re: conversion of cbb takes
Last post by azslow3 - February 10, 2025, 08:42:39 PM
Thanks. That is in new code for lanes. I will find what it is (lane number "-1" ;) ).
You can remove the project, I have downloaded it.
ReaCWP / Re: conversion of cbb takes
Last post by mweiss001 - February 10, 2025, 03:51:43 AM
I just read your post about alpha testers.

I uploaded a project that crashes to my google drive. I don't care that it is public.
I post my finished work to YouTube for free anyway.

Hope this helps.

ReaCWP / Re: conversion of cbb takes
Last post by mweiss001 - February 10, 2025, 03:03:32 AM
I have tested more. Like around 5-10 projects.
When it works, it works perfectly.
But a few times, it crashes hard. Reaper instantly exits.
I am trying to narrow down when it happens.
So far, it seems to happen on large projects.
My process is:
Open the cwb files with cbb and save.
Then open the cwp file in reaper.
The ones that crashed were 1G, 2G and 4G cwb files.
I reverted back to 3b69 to test and they all opened without crashing.
I wish I could give you more information about the crashes.
Are there logs somewhere?
Is there a way to turn on some kind of debugging to get more info?
Is there anything I can do to help troubleshoot this?
I could send you the cwb files I am trying to extract, but they are quite large...