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Discussions / Re: Loop recording without extensions.
« Last post by azslow3 on September 26, 2024, 08:57:13 PM »
Discussions / Loop recording without extensions.
« Last post by azslow3 on September 26, 2024, 08:57:04 PM »
Primary the idea comes from the fact related extensions and plug-ins are not accessible.

Loop based recording, so recording new loops on top of existing loops, is not convenient in tape oriented DAWs. As long as all loops have the same length, conventional recording works fine. But using loops of different lengths require many manual operations when recording and adjusting to the project length.

I have written quick and dirty script which organize simple loop recording:;sa=downfile&id=98

How to use:
  • Add the script to REAPER Actions and assign shortcut, you will need to run it many times
  • Create new project without tracks. Set desired tempo and other options of choice.
  • Run the script. That will set required options. The script does that every time you run it, but you need these setting before the first recording.
  • Add a new track and record something which is going to be the first loop. Loops must be recorded from the beginning of the project and you should stop recording in the first half of the measure after your loop should end, for example if the loop should be one measure, you should stop recording during the first half of the second measure. Loop length is quantized to power of 2 measures, so 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and so on.
  • Run the script. It should create the first loop.
  • Add the next track and start recording. The first loop will be played infinitely, so you technically will record many takes. Stop at desired length. It can be shorted or longer then previous loop
  • Run the script. It will create new loop and if required adjust the first one.
  • Continue with new loops the same way.

You can protect tracks to avoid them interpreted as loops, just start Item not at the beginning of the project. Such tracks will not be touched by the script.

If you change the length of the project by creating not looped content, first protect it as described and then run the script. The script will adjust the length of all loops to cover the project and set new looping region.

In case resulting loop has unexpected length, for example if you have not stopped recording in time, truncate the item to desired loop length, glue it and run the script.

Known issues:
  • multi-take MIDI recording may contain note repeat on boundary crossing, even after the item is unrolled and glued by the script. Normally such notes are easy to spot and join in MIDI editor

Warning: the script is just written so it is probably extremely buggy. Let me know if you have issues, I will try to fix them.
Discussions / Re: Problem with the Disarm all tracks function
« Last post by azslow3 on September 12, 2024, 05:46:17 PM »
Although the global disarm command deselects any track arm buttons which were active, it does not trigger the change of button status feedback outputs for those buttons.  Is that what you would expect?
Code: [Select]
Track Rec.Arm
Monitor Parameter Value
Is triggered correctly after disarm, at least in my short test with X2. So I will need more details to reproduce the issue (this time I have no ideas what can be wrong in your current code  ;) )
Discussions / Re: Problem with the Disarm all tracks function
« Last post by norfolkmastering on September 12, 2024, 11:46:13 AM »
Hi Alexey

Thanks for your guidance.

I have removed the unneeded "Function, Select strip".

I had both 'stop' and 'disarm' commands in my PIC code but they were in the wrong order (I had the 'disarm' command before the 'stop' command).
So I have corrected the order and also added a small time delay between the 'stop' and 'disarm' commands.
This seems to b working reliably now.

Although the global disarm command deselects any track arm buttons which were active, it does not trigger the change of button status feedback outputs for those buttons.  Is that what you would expect?

Discussions / Re: Problem with the Disarm all tracks function
« Last post by azslow3 on September 11, 2024, 09:06:57 PM »
Hi Robert

You don't need "Function, Select strip". Just "Function, All, Tracks Disarm". In fact the first one can produce problems with the second, when executed immediately (depending on Cakewalk Processing).

Please note that can be quite slow operation. Also note that Cakewalk can't arm/disarm when transport is not stopped (doing "stop and disarm" in one go can also be problematic).

If you can provide a project and write which version of CbB/Sonar you are using, I can try to reproduce. If I can't reproduce, I can't fix...


Discussions / Problem with the Disarm all tracks function
« Last post by norfolkmastering on September 11, 2024, 06:20:50 PM »
Hi Alexey

I have had intermittent problems with the 'Disarm all tracks' function not working reliably.  I want to try and find out the cause of the problem.

My current logic for that function is as follows:
Function, Select strip
Function, All, Tracks Disarm
Is that correct?

If the logic is correct, is there anything else I could check?


As an example here's Rotor 1 of my preset which set's the grid from 1 bar over whole note, half note ..... to OFF and back.
SelCo (SelectCount) is a Software State in the Options Tab.
Just an example, in my preset are more of these actions, I attached it. So look into the rotors and sliders for many more examples;)


Code: [Select]
SoftSet SelCo { 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
        17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32
        33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48
        49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64
        65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80
        81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96
        97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 111 112
        113 114 115 116 117 118 119 120 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 }

Code: [Select]
Control Ro1 MIDI 00900051 'Ch\:1 CC\:81' {

 MO.Nor BK.1 PRE.1 : Set_state SelCo MIDI
  SelCo.1 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1154 'An Taktgrenzen einrasten'
  SelCo.1 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.Bar
  SelCo.8 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1154 'An Taktgrenzen einrasten'
  SelCo.8 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.Bar
  SelCo.9 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 817 'An ganzer Note einrasten'
  SelCo.9 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.1
  SelCo.18 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 817 'An ganzer Note einrasten'
  SelCo.18 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.1
  SelCo.19 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 818 'An halber Note einrasten'
  SelCo.19 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.2
  SelCo.19 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.28 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 818 'An halber Note einrasten'
  SelCo.28 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.2
  SelCo.28 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.29 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 819 'An Viertelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.29 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.4
  SelCo.38 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 819 'An Viertelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.38 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.4
  SelCo.39 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 820 'An Achtelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.39 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.8
  SelCo.48 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 820 'An Achtelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.48 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.8
  SelCo.49 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 821 'An Achteltriole einrasten'
  SelCo.58 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 821 'An Achteltriole einrasten'
  SelCo.59 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 822 'An Sechzehntelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.59 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.16
  SelCo.59 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.69 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 822 'An Sechzehntelnote einrasten'
  SelCo.69 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.16
  SelCo.69 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.70 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 823 'An Sechzehnteltriole einrasten'
  SelCo.79 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 823 'An Sechzehnteltriole einrasten'
  SelCo.80 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1072 'An 32stel-Note einrasten'
  SelCo.80 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.32
  SelCo.89 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1072 'An 32stel-Note einrasten'
  SelCo.89 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.32
  SelCo.90 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1073 'An 32stel-Triole einrasten'
  SelCo.99 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1072 'An 32stel-Note einrasten'
  SelCo.100 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1074 'An 64stel-Note einrasten'
  SelCo.100 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.64
  SelCo.109 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1074 'An 64stel-Note einrasten'
  SelCo.109 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.64
  SelCo.110 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1075 'An 128stel-Note einrasten '
  SelCo.110 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.128
  SelCo.110 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.119 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 1075 'An 128stel-Note einrasten '
  SelCo.119 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.128
  SelCo.119 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.On
  SelCo.120 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Cmd 501 'Am Raster anordnen ein/aus'
  SelCo.120 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state SnSet.Off
  SelCo.120 MO.Nor PRE.1 : Set_state Ndge.Off
AOSC / Re: Air Access 18
« Last post by Brian_dk on August 23, 2024, 04:11:52 PM »
I just want to say a huge thank you for this update. I'm so happy that you still support this great unit! I still hope for the ability to use RTA on this unit, when out gigging. I know that it doesn't have an ocilator like the Behringer X32 but it can analyse an incoming signal and tell what frequences are bad. But besides that this program really rools!
I think that's a very good approach "general rule wise"!!! Thanks Alexey!!!
My general rule - what works is "right" (even when something looks a bit ugly...)  ;)
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