Hi Alexey
Let me first explain the application:
I am putting together a small mobile recording setup with a Laptop PC running Cakewalk and AZ Controller, and a Fostex R8 8-track analogue tape machine which has a MIDI interface with remote control protocol mostly using SysEx messages for tape transport, record arming etc. The Fostex can also be slave sync'd to Cakewalk using LTC timecode. I will use this mobile setup mostly to record 'real' drums (I can only record MIDI based drums in my small home studio).
The idea is to record simultaneously to Cakewalk and the Fostex R8, and then integrate the recording with other tracks recorded in the studio. The final mixdown will be from the R8 (and my Fostex G24S) via my Cakewalk/AZ controlled analogue mixer.
It should be easy to configure an AZ Controller preset to allow Cakewalk to remote control most R8 functions but there is one important function which is the subject of my enquiry to you.
The Fostex R8 had a 'locate to timecode' function which allows the R8 to fast spool and then stop at the received (static) timecode. In use this means I can move the Cakewalk song pointer to the desired position (to start recording) and then request the R8 to move to the same timecode position. However this would require a SysEx message from AZ to the following format (I will show the preset bytes in hex):
F0 51 7F 12 18 42 hr mn sc fr 12 F7
hr = hours and frame rate: 0 yy zzzzz (yy = frame rate, zzzzz = hours from 0 to 23)
mn = minutes: 00yyyyyy (yyyyy = minutes from 0 to 59)
sc = seconds: 00yyyyyy (yyyyyy = seconds from 0 to 59)
fr = frames: 000yyyyy (yyyyy = frames from 0 to 29)
I normally run LTC and MTC and 30fps and have no requirement to change this from session to session.
In the studio I take care of this locate function (for my Fostex G24S 24-track machine) as part of the mixer's PIC software but in my mobile setup (with the Fostex R8) I don't want to have the complexity of a PIC for just one remote control function. That's why I'm asking if you think it is possible to make the static Cakewalk MTC position available, to the desired format, within AZ Controller?
Best regards