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how can I control the banks controllers??

Started by bosone, May 10, 2022, 11:09:49 PM

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I have setup AZSlow to be used with my Korg NanoKontrol+Nektar Panorama P6

Everything works, I have an extended setup to control ACT, transport, ect.

if I switch the bank, the ACT controller does not shift by 8 units, but only by 2... so that e.g. the first bank has the first ACT Controller #499, while the second bank has ACT Controller #501 and not 507

I hope that these picture will be more explicative...
Bank1: controllers #499, #500, #501, #502, #503.. etc
Bank2: controllers #501, #502, #503, #504 #505, etc

I would like Bank 2 to have controllers
Bank2: controllers #507, #508, #509, #510 #511, etc



In AZ Controller everything is "manual", a "bank" is just a definition. Visit "ACT" Actions in (each) controls and set multiplier to 8. ACT Action select parameter number <bank>*<multiplier>+<ctrl shift>.


many thanks, now I understood! I configured the whole interface a couple of years ago, now I'm getting back to it because I have modified my hardware setup and I don't remember many things!

one last detail... the display does not correctly show the 9 labels for the faders/encoders I have configured in ACT

I have configured it to have 10 columns but the tenth is empty and the ninth incorreclty show encoder number 9 instead of encoder number 8 (see the numbers?!)

Another problem is that I have 2 set of buttons per strip. One button is "mute", the other is "solo". they are configured exacltly in the same way (apart for the funciont mute/solo), and they work correctly, but the parameter name for the second button is not displayed... I get displayed only the "mute" button, not the other one...

any way to fix this??


This is a second image showing that the "mute" button is correctly shown, the "solo" one is not appearing!

mute and solo have exaclty the same script but they control different parameter

this happens regardless of how many rows i configure in the display window...

thanks again!


I FINALLY FOUND IT in the Feedback window!!

Now the last problem is that some indicator is messed up, so that e.g the first sliders change also the value of the first know, although they both work correctly, but this is a minor problem! :)


It will be simpler in case you upload your preset using Cakewalk Plug-in Manager (so in SPP format).
You can attach presets to posts.


Thanks for the support!
the preset is named "ASSIGN GLOBALE"

basically, when i move faders 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 or encoders 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 the value and name of encoder 1 in the display is also affected. (yes, it's encoder 1 even if I move a fader!)
Moreover, when I press solo 1,3,4,5,6,7, all the SOLO states in the display are affected and switch at once.

The strange thing is that the action in sonar itself are correct!


The content is a bit chaotic... What is desired "Bank" size, so the number of strips controlled in parallel? Originally you have generated with 8, but you have partially changed to 7 and partially to 9.

Solo for 3,4,etc. is not working, it is controlling WAI Solo (so first) and display is updated in sync with that. Solo 2 is defined correctly (with shift).

Display update on strange place when you change something else means some parameter is not selected in monitoring. That can be condition dependent, f.e. for S2 Fader you don't define parameter in Mode Bus. As the consequence, last selected parameter is used (the parameter you have controlled as the last).


I understand everything is a bit chaotic because it was assembles from different presets found here and there.
the banks should be 2, with 9 faders/encoders and 14 buttons for the WAi/ACT (+other buttons with different transport purpose)

that part is working, is just the display that is messed up!

I tried to check and I thought the code was the same for the different buttons/faders/encoders, so I did not understand why the display is incorrect

your hints are however valuable, so at least I know where and what to look for! :)

QuoteSolo for 3,4,etc. is not working, it is controlling WAI Solo (so first) and display is updated in sync with that. Solo 2 is defined correctly (with shift).
will check this. I supposed that since solo 2,3,4,... are soloing the correct channel it was ok!

QuoteDisplay update on strange place when you change something else means some parameter is not selected in monitoring. That can be condition dependent, f.e. for S2 Fader you don't define parameter in Mode Bus. As the consequence, last selected parameter is used (the parameter you have controlled as the last).

Do you have a reference on how to do this?

PS: I'm not interested in controlling the parameter in the BUS section, just track and ACT (if "Mode Bus" was referred to that...)

thanks again! :)


Quote from: bosone on May 12, 2022, 10:56:58 AM
I understand everything is a bit chaotic because it was assembles from different presets found here and there.
the banks should be 2, with 9 faders/encoders and 14 buttons for the WAi/ACT (+other buttons with different transport purpose)
These numbers don't match... So, you have to decide what is "WAI size" and "Bank size" for ACT, so the number of strips controlled simultaneously (which are controlling ACT in banks).
So, "2" is the number of banks. That you can easily change, just defining more or less States of "Bank" State Set. This number should NOT appear anywhere else explicitly (till you have separate buttons to switch into bank 1 or bank 2, instead of just one which loop throw banks).
If you want WAI size 9, you need 18 buttons. If you use just 14, last 2 strips in WAI will have no Mute/Solo. If you dedicated just 14, I propose change the WAI size to 7. The rest 2 faders/knobs can be used for something else (f.e. bus / send control, "Last changed" or "Run-time learned" parameters control, etc.).

You can decide you want WAI size 7 and ACT Bank include 9 faders/knobs. That is also ok.


will try to fix this...
where do I define the WAI size? i was looking for this without succes... :/

the korg nanokontrol has 9faders, 9knobs and 2x9 buttons. BUT I used 4 buttons to control the interface (display on/off, switch banks, switch between ACT and WAI mode). that was the reason for 14 buttons...

but is this the reason for the messed information in the display?


I managed to understand most of what is happening, beside the fact that EVERY rotary/fader i move it always write the value in the (3,3), (4,3) position of the display.
The problem is not in the encoder connect to the (3,3), (4,3) position, because even if I delete it, the problem persist...


I repeat, there is some control which does not select parameter and update this location. Every time some other control in used, it take that parameter as "own" and display it.
I can check tomorrow which control it is.


it was all the rotary controllers of my nektar Panorama that were incorrectly assigned to the cell in the display which behaved incorrectly!!
I have too many controllers! :D  as I said i assembled this patch long time ago and actually rarely used it... now I added a new surface (not linked to the AZ Controller) and I had to remap some control, so that I stumbled upon AZ Controller again and decided to debug it! :)

The only thing left to understand is how to define how many WAI strips there are. I see 8 tracks in my WAI indicator, but I cannot understand how to change it to 9...

in any case, many thanks for the help! :)


There is "WAI" Action, can be used to set WAI position and width.

TIP: you can export preset as "text" in the Options tab, useful to f.e. find all places where WAI Action is used. Note you can't import presets in that form.