Hello and thanks for your quick reply!
For fine tweaking encoders resolution is it possible to have it like when the encoder is pushed down and turned the tweaking will be in fine resolution instead of having a shift button? (instead of the default when pressing the encoder the control goes to 0 example. pan center when pressed that is the default - can we replace that with fine resolution?) I have the Faderfox ld2 and it does that. I have sent the BCR2000 ACT preset to the Faderfox LD2 it and works very well for Plugins. So if it is possible to not have the shift button for fine tweaking resolution? If this is not possible can we have only fine resolution on the encoders? ( also use the toch screen to move faders sometimes so if it is not possible to have a press and turn for fine resolution on the encoders then having them only on fine resolution still will work)
I like to have both mute and solo rows in one preset so I can visually see what is going on on the controller. many times I need to solo for example only the guitars and pan them. But in the preset we already have the controller has mute when in pan mode and solo when in volume mode for the encoders. So it is great to have both rows one on solo and one on mute all the time and change between volume and pan on the encoders.
About tweaking effects I have a faderfox LD2 rotary with pushable rotary encoders and also a bcr2000. So I don't actually need the x touch mini for plugins. The BCR200 and Faderfox Ld2 they work fine with ACT as act does follow content and also using the BCR2000 presets on those two they act as if they were bi directional so no jumping to values when tweaking different parameters. Turning the encoders just picks up the parameter from where it is. Also with the touch screen I touch the plugin I want and act focuses on it and I am able to tweak plugins nicely with those two devices.
You mentioned feedback for commands is not supported but in your preset it does. Like when for example you click the loop on the button in Sonar it lights up the loop button on the Xtouch mini. If possible can we have as much commands possible with feedback like the loop button does?
And lastly I yes we can use ON/On for the forth parameter.
Using these presets combined with the touch screen and also the BCR2000 and Faderfox Ld2 I believe will work very well for my work.
Let me know your thoughts and any recommendations or questions.
All the best to you!