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AZ Accessible OSC for RME audio interfaces (AOSC)

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Using AOSC
Enable OSC in the TotalMix and AOSC configurations. Check that port numbers match. IP address should be set to in both programs, as long as you start AOSC on the same computer where TotalMix is running. In case you want audition peak level, set corresponding option in the TotalMix OSC settings.

Precaution. TotalMix and AOSC are not programs which you can use intuitively without knowledge about RME interface. Please read RME documentation or at least my introduction.

As full scale digital mixers, RME interfaces have thousands of parameters and it is easy unintentionally modify something. TotalMix support saving configurations into files, I recommend to use that feature so you can always revert to working preset when in trouble.

For all operations in AOSC it is essential to know currently set channel type and currently set submix. Submix is reported at several relevant places. Current channel type is not obvious, please use custom names for different channels and types, setting that in the Totalmix layout. Otherwise no matter how long you use AOSC, at some moment you will enable direct monitoring instead of changing output volume. I repeat, by default all channel types have the same names and parameters. But these parameter control completely different things.

Channel type.
When working with channel parameters, current channel type determines which channels you can control. That setting is global for the Mixer and Selected channel trees. You can check and change current type using buttons on the top pages of both trees. You also can use Shift+I,O,P shortcuts to switch channel type. Note that there is no audition for shortcuts, till currently selected element text depends from the setting. For example, if you was controlling outputs and switch to inputs and you are on the channel name in the tree, the name will only change in case you have set custom name for each channel type as I have suggested before. In case you are on not named by channel name element, for example  Volume slider in the channel page, you will not get any audition after the type change.

Except Channel input page, almost all parameters are current submix specific. Submix is a part of several elements in the tree, to remind you what you are changing.
Switching submix is a bit complicated. First select outputs, then visit Mixer/Submix select or solo page. Here you can select desired submix by checking corresponding channel.
RME has combined solo and submix selection controls in OSC. Solo make no sense for outputs since each output is strictly bound to one particular submix, so that submix is always in solo for the output. Inputs and playbacks are not submixes, but logically can be soloed within current submix.

Switching banks.
If you have Babyface you probably will never need to change channel banks, but for other interfaces you need to use bank switching to select the range of channels you need.
Use buttons in the top page of both trees or Ctrl+Shift+N,P shortcuts.

Switching channels.
In the current channel tree, you can use Ctrl+N,P to switch the channel you want to control. It is simpler to do this when on an element with current channel name, to get immediate audition which channel you have selected. Please note that final selected channel depends from the channel type and in most cases current submix. You can not for example switch from an input to playback for phone submix just using the channel switch.

Volume, mute, solo, pan and phase are submix specific. Please note they are controlling submix only, till you are using loopback submixes. The volume does not influence recording level in the DAW. The DAW and other software records pre-fader. Other way of thinking about that: input volume controls direct monitoring level, playback volume controls application volume, output volume controls hardware output volume.
Input gain, phantom power and pad exist for hardware input channels only and global. You can not set different gains for one channel in different submixes, each channel physically has only one pre-amp.
Loopback works for output channels only and feed that output submix as input for all other submixes and software.
There are many other parameter, what they are doing you can find in RME documentation.

Please note that not all RME devices have equal functionality. AOSC was designed for UFX, so it includes all available for it parameters. Many settings have no meaning for UC(X), Babyface and other smaller interfaces.

Hi. Is it possible to save and load mixes via AZOSC? This feature is available in TotalMix but wasn't sure if equivalent functionality was provided in AZOSC. Any help is much appreciated. Thanks!

Saving snapshots is not exposed to OSC, so AOSC can not control that TotalMix feature. But TotalMix Workspace loading and saving is exposed it its own File menu and so that is accessible. For fast switching, you can use Workspace Quick Select shortcut. That is also normal dialog and so accessible.

I have an RME Fireface 802. This device provides different input settings for its analog inputs and outputs. For example, line inputs can be set to -10dbu or +4dbu and outputs have a "low gain" option. When examining settings in AZ OSC for a particular channel strip, I don't find this setting. I see options for phantom power, instrument or pad but these don't apply to line inputs and have no effect when I activate them. Is there a way to change from -10dbu to +4dbu on line inputs that support it?

AOSC mimics TouchOSC application, so what is not there can't be controller. I don't have 802 so I can't test how well original app works with it. And before I could check how all works with my own Babyface Pro, I have misinterpreted many points.
I propose you ask someone with 802 how parameters is question are controlled by TouchOSC.

RME has switched to proprietary remote protocol instead of OSC, so if something is not available it is unlikely they update OSC part. Especially for older devices only.


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