- For fader Logical control Value, I changed my fader behavior from the default of 'catch' to 'direct'. This works better for me as the fader doesn't have to find the catch location to start changing values.
I have changed the default to 'direct'. But I am not sure that is a good solution for "Motor Off" case.
- I can't detect a noticeable difference in Panning with the 'Bank' button on. With 'bank' both on and off, I get about 30% movement of the software pan bar per knob twist. Is there some other type of behavior I should be looking for?
There should be significant difference... I have no faderport, tested with my MPK Mini. It is like 10 times in "speed". Open overview Tab, select "Resolution" from States. Press (and keep pressed) Bank, do you see "Hi"/"Low" changes? Note, that hi resolution is set in case you use Bank as shift, so when you hold it (reverted back when released, independent from Mix/ACT mode).
- pressing 'Write' while transport is engaged causes Sonar to crash. I double-checked with Presonus's stock plugin and it doesn't cause a crash in Sonar under those conditions.
That is serious... Can you be more specific? What you mean by "transport is engaged", Play, Record? What type of the track is selected (MIDI/Audio/any)? Can you reproduce it on 1 track project without plug-ins?
I have tried it so far on X2 32bit and SPlat 64bit, in "Play" and "Rec" mode. It worked as expected. While stock plug-in does that exactly the same way, it can do this with a bit different timing or in another sequence (for example, arming pan first and volume next, doing that not in "one go", etc). But I should be able to reproduce it to change something.
Some suggested/requested Faderport default button functionality (based partially off original Faderport and partially on test use):
- Have 'Mix' button open and close console view
Do you know a key combination which has the same effect? I have found only "View Console", but it does not close it.
- Have 'Proj' button open and close PC window (Ctrl+I)
- Have 'Trns' button open and close the Multidock
Requested add-on's to current functionality
- For 'Rewind' and 'Fast Fwd' buttons, have single click move transport to Previous and Next marker positions. Holding down buttons would perform normal FF and Rewind functions (currently behavior). Not sure if this is possible.
Prev/Next marker are on "Shift+Punch/User" (as indicated on Faderport). I am not supporting fancy timing differences ("short" press/hold/double click) since I think that is too error prone to be "stage safe".
- When 'Loop' button is pressed, loop selection defaults to current timeline selection
It is enabling/disabling loop. I have modified it to catch current selection when switching to On. But you still need to press it twice to move currently looped region to selection (the first time it will turn Loop off, next time On with new region).
Test version with changes is uploaded.