AZ Controller plug-in for Cakewalk SONAR > Tutorials

Cakewalk ACT MIDI Controller Explained. Only $40, for short time!

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Other Rotaries in AZC
Change to the "Logic" tab. Turn your Rotor 2. And then again Rotor 1. We want to see Action List of Rotor 1 but without any Action selected. Press "Copy". Turn Rotor 2. Press "Paste". Your Rotor 2 should be a copy of your Rotor 1 now.

We should change:

* In the Actions with "WAI", set "WAI"+1 (second strip in WAI)
* Copy Action with "Rotaries:Current" Condition. "Move down" to the same position
* In the lower instance, change Action to "Send +0 Volume". Previous action still needed to define which strip to use.
* Adopt R and S numbers in ACT Actions. Just add 1 to each (so S2 and R2)
Copy this second Rotor, for Rotor 3. Do the same modifications. You will already have "extra" action for "Rotaries:Current" taken from Rotor 2. Here you set "Send +1 Pan". Then copy Rotor 3 to Rotor 4. All the same again, except "Send +1 Volume" for our Channel Mode.

We are done with Rotaries. But before we can check that everything works fine, we better define buttons.

Buttons in AZC.

We start with "Next/Previous Strip Bank" commands for our B2 (in all Banks, add "Bank:1" condition for all Actions if you want it in one bank only). I hope you no longer need "step by step" text. That is for "Track Bank" switching only (as in AMC), duplicate it (for the same B2) and replace Track with Bus everywhere to get "Bus Bank" switch as well (and "Main" bank switch, if you have many Mains). I list in the order you should see in the Action List, you should enter in the revers order (or move to the correct position afterwards).

* - "Set state" "Touched" "Yes"
* 'Shift:On' 'Strip:Track'  - "Strip" "Track" "<First in WAI>" -4 Volume
* 'Shift:Off' 'Strip:Track'  - "Strip" "Track" "<First in WAI>" +7 Volume
* 'Shift:Off' 'Strip:Track' 'Selection:Valid' - "Strip" "Track" "<First in WAI>" +4 Volume
* 'Shift:Off' 'Strip:Track' 'Selection:Invalid' - "Strip" "Track" "<Last>" -3 Volume
* 'Strip:Track' 'Selection:Invalid' - "Strip" "Track" "<First>" 0 Volume
* 'Strip:Track' - "WAI" "Track(old)" "Bus(old)" "Master(old)" FinalSeveral features we have not used yet: 

* "WAI" command start WAI at the currently selected Strip with specified width (in our reduced AMC configuration, we have width 4). But we keep the width unchanged, we just move WAI here.
* "Final" means stop there in case the Action was executed (conditions was ok) and the Action itself was successful (Action specific).
* "Initial" for WAI means that the width will be unconditionally set on preset load. I will set in in strip mode switching WAI actions
* "Selection" internal set is "Valid" when selected Strip and Parameter are valid
What this "program" does:

* For "Shift-B2" we want "Previous Track Bank". We try select new starting Track (current WAI - 4)
* For "B2" we want "Next Track Bank". We first check that the "next" block completely fit inside existing tracks. The last track in the next block is Current WAI+4+3
* If that last track is valid, we select normal starting track (WAI + 4)
* If "full" block does not fit (Action before, in case it is called, can not produce 'Invalid' selection, +4 is less then +7), we set WAI to the last 4 tracks (last one "-3", you can check on fingers it is not "-4")
* If still no valid selection (for both commands!), start with Track 1 (First +0)
* Finally set WAI
Two tips:

* To copy complete Action list into the same Control (handy there, to support Buses), copy it first to some other control (B3) and from there back into the original Control.
* To change block moving such way that "Previous" always return to the same strips as before, also for the last strips, just remove the Actions with "+7" and "-3".
Now we define B3, all Banks to switch "ACT" and "Strip mode" (when Shifted):

* - "Set state" "Touched" "Yes"
* 'Shift:off' - "Set state" "ACT" "Next state" loop
* 'Shift:on' - "Set state" "Strip" "Next state" loop
* 'Shift:on' 'Strip:Main' - "WAI" "Track(0)" "Bus(0)" "Master(4)"
* 'Shift:on' 'Strip:Bus' - "WAI" "Track(0)" "Bus(4)" "Master(0)"
* 'Shift:on' 'Strip:Track' - "WAI" "Track(4)" "Bus(0)" "Master(0)" initial
Only 2 first Actions are doing something useful. The last 3 are hiding WAI indicator for Strip Types other then the current. Do not forget the "initial" flag, when we load the preset we want to see 4 tracks WAI (since initial "Strip"  State is "Track").

And finally B4, all Banks to "Play" and "Channel mode" (when Shifted):

* - "Set state" "Touched" "Yes"
* 'Shift:off' - "Command" "Play/Stop"
* 'Shift:on' - "Set state" "Rotaries" "Next state" loop
You can test that everything works as expected now. We have finished our reduced AMC configuration.

May be you want modify something, no problem, that is now your Surface Logic. I prefer "Bank switch" by dedicated Rotary with "Set state":"Bank":"<Map MIDI value>", I can see which bank I have on the surface that way (and can use more that 4). You can also prefer just fix one Slider/Rotor for Main and exclude Main from "Strip" types. For using ACT, please check so named thread in the documentation, at least for me the default mapping is not acceptable.

Continued in the next post...

Final words.

If you have managed to come here, your bottle of wine is empty...

I hope you have found something interesting in this text.

Please report any bugs with AZ Controller in case you use it. Any comments, corrections and ideas are welcome.


Hi Alexy,

in reply #4, there is a broken link

What plug-in can do
You can find my interpretation in the post or (in case you understand IDL) in the source code provided by Cakewalk (they have publish the latest version on github recently).


I think it should be:

In reply #5 there is another broken link at the end..

Feel free to delete my comment after it is fixed.



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